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Yes - at least 2 storage facilities in Chippewa Falls offer outdoor parking for car, boat, and RV storage. Some facilities even offer covered parking or indoor storage to help protect your vehicle from the elements. Indoor and covered options generally cost more than regular outdoor parking.
On March 27, 2025, the cheapest storage unit in Chippewa Falls was $24.00.
On March 27, 2025 the average cost of a 10x10 storage unit in Chippewa Falls was $63.30 per month, while the lowest priced 10x10 storage unit rented for $34.00 per month. 10x10 storage units will vary in cost depending on location and amenities.
A 10x10 storage unit will fit the contents of a 3 bedroom apartment. On March 27, 2025, 10x10 storage units in Chippewa Falls rented for as low as $34.00 with the average price being $63.30.
Storage units in Chippewa Falls range in price from small 5'x 5' units starting at $24.00 per month to large 10' x 20' units costing $70.00. 10' x 10' units are the most popular size storage unit rented in Chippewa Falls and the average price on March 27, 2025 was $63.30 per month.
10' x 10' storage units are the most popular size storage unit rented in Chippewa Falls. A 10' x 10' storage unit can accommodate the contents of a 3 bedroom apartment. The average price of a 10' x 10' unit on March 27, 2025 is $63.30 per month. If you're looking for the cheapest 10 x 10 storage unit in Dallas - it's yours for $34.00 monthly.
The average price for a climate controlled storage unit in Chippewa Falls on March 27, 2025 is $49.00 per month. Prices vary depending on unit size and facility location. You can find the cheapest climate controlled storage unit in Chippewa Falls at Devon Self Storage - 9181 - Eau Claire for $48.00 per month.
Our listings show over 11 storage facilities in Chippewa Falls. You can narrow your search by entering your ZIP and choosing the size and amenities which are important to you, including car, boat and RV storage, climate controlled storage units, drive-up and 24 hour access storage. You can also filter by price to find the lowest price storage units in Chippewa Falls.
There are 6 storage facilities in Chippewa Falls offering drive-up storage units. The average cost for drive-up access storage on March 27, 2025 was $51.00 per month. If it's the cheapest drive-up storage unit you're looking for, you can snap it up for $24.00 per month at KO Storage of Chippewa Falls - 50th Ave.
Unit Size | Average Monthly Price | Lowest Price |
5'x5' | $28.67 | $24.00 |
5'x10' | $42.00 | $26.00 |
10'x10' | $63.30 | $34.00 |
10'x15' | $93.25 | $60.00 |
10'x20' | $108.30 | $70.00 |
Size | Description |
25 square feet, the size of a small closet. Good for chairs, cabinets, electronics, boxes. | |
50 square feet, the size of a large walk-in closet. Good for a mattress set, couch, dining room tables, chairs, boxes. | |
75 square feet, the size of a small bedroom. Good for large dining sets, desks, cabinets, mattress sets, washer/dryer. | |
100 square feet, the size of a large bedroom. Good for bedroom sets, refrigerator, large drawers, multiple boxes. | |
150 square feet, the size of a small one car garage. Good for multiple bedroom sets, large appliances, smaller cars, boats, other vehicles, patio sets. | |
200 square feet, the size of a standard one car garage. Good for multiple bedroom sets, trucks, trailers, large furniture items, mid size vehicles, miscellaneous items. |
300 square feet, the size of a two car garage. Good for multiple bedroom sets, appliances, large furniture, patio sets, seasonal items. |